
			[Meeting held at Goodison Park
				Tuesday Oct. 9th 1956.]

			Present:- Mr. R. E. Searle (Chair) and all
		other Directors except Mr. C. H. Askham who
		tendered his apologies.

			Minutes of Meeting of Oct. 2nd and of
		the Emergency Meeting of Oct. 6th were read
		and confirmed.

Finance			Receipts reported were:-
		Bury F. C. re Transfers			500. 0.0
		Charlton Ath. F. C.			241.18.4
		Gate v Army				465. 5.9
		Gate v Preston N. E. Res.		140.10.0
			Cheques were signed for:-
		Customs & Excise		  	  2.15.0
		Army F. A.				348. 6.3
		C. Leyfield				350. 0.0
		Theatre Tkts. & Messengers Ltd.	 	 24. 0.0
		Henshaw Bros. Ltd.			700. 0.0
		Wages					804.19.1
		Petty Cash				141. 6.8
		Directors Expenses			116.17.6
			Bank Balce. £3183.3.5 Cr.

205 Walton Lane		Mr. Micklesfield reported on the result of
	290	enquiries made regarding the tenant of this
		house, and it was agreed that Supt. Jones
		be informed and asked to investigate.

Reports			Reports were given of the 1st Team
		game v Preston North End and of the 2nd
		Team game v Preston North End Res.

J. Hood			It was reported that this player
	289	was starting next Monday, his wages to
		be £9 Winter and £8 Summer.

J. Harris		It was reported that J. Harris