287 LIVERPOOL It was agreed that a date be fixed SCOTTISH BAND for this Band to play at one of our home games. J. Hood It was reported that arrangements 283 had been completed for J. Hood to sign for us when Shettleston were out of the Scottish Junior Cup. The fee was £1.350 plus £250.0.0 after he had played ten 1st Team games, and for us to send a team to play Shettleston if the boy makes good. This was confirmed. Reports Reports were given of the 1st Team games v Sunderland and Aberdeen and of the 2nd Team game v Wolves Res. F. Burns It was reported that F. Burns of Wishaw Juniors was to come down on trial for 2 weeks. P. Farrell It was reported that Peter Farrell 266. had been given permission to be absent on Monday and Wednesday afternoons any training time last to be made up. J. Harris It was agreed that J. Harris be 182 placed on the open to transfer list at his own request. Teams The selected 1st & 2nd Teams were noted and it was agreed that the selected teams be released to the press at noon on Wednesdays in future. A letter complaining of the condition of the seat brackets in the Bullens Road Stand was passed to the Estates Committee for attention, as was a letter complaining of the Sub-letting by the tenant of No. 205 Walton Lane. Photographs It was agreed that the Directors 266 photographs be removed from their present