286 [Meting held at Goodison Park Wednesday Sept. 26th, 1956] Present:- Mr. R. E. Searle (Chair) and all other Directors except Mr. J. Taylor who tendered his apologies. Secretary in attendance. Mr. W. Gibbins The death of Mr. W. C. Gibbins was recorded with the deepest regret, and the Meeting stood in silence for a few moments as a taken of respect to his memory. Minutes of Meeting of Sept. 18th were read and confirmed. Finance Receipts reported were:- Luton Town F. C. % 251.11.7 Gate v Sunderland 4458. 9.9 Cheques were signed for:- Customs & Excise 873.19.4 Football League 136.1.5 Sunderland F. C. 590.12.5 Police 86.6.4 Wages 795.9.2 Petty Cash 300.0.0 Bank Balance £5244.2.6 Cr. Report of The report of recommendations as Finance Comm. presented by Mr. Sharp was approved (COPY ANNEXED). It was reported that Mr. H. E. Wright H. E. Wright would commence his duties on Monday 284 next Oct. 1st. C. Leyfield A letter was read from C. Leyfield 236 dated Sept. 20th tendering his resignation. This was accepted forthwith, and it was resolved to make him an ex gratia payment of £350.0.0. Butlins It was agreed that the display by this young Ladies Troupe be given on Dec. 8th instead of Oct. 27th. 285