285 NORTHUMBERLAND F. A. It was agreed to accepts an invitation for two Directors to attend a Dinner on Nov. 16th at Newcastle given by the Northumberland F. A. R. WHITTINGTON - EGAN The request from this journalist for 281 permissions to write a series of Articles on the History of the Club was not granted. BUTLINS YOUNG It was agreed that a display be LADIES given by Butlins Young Ladies, at no cost 207 to the Club, on Sat. Oct. 27th prior to the Arsenal Match. TRANSFER OF The following were approved :- SHARES SHARES NOD. 236, 2105, 2106 & 2340 FROM H. I. BOCHINSKY To GORDON DUGDALE. Directors Away To Wolverhampton :- Mr. N. W. Coffey. Next Meeting Wed. Sept. 26th at 4.30 p.m. Confirmed as correct. R. E. Searle Chairman