278 game v Bolton Res., and of the 'A' Team game v Blackpool 'A'. Glazzard Confirmation was given to the signing of Glazzard from Huddersfield Town at a fee of £ Stokes It was reported that Stokes, I. F. of spurs Spurs could be obtained for £12,000.0.0. He had had two good reports and one fair one, but it was agreed to forget him in view of private information received. Mr. Gibbins It was agreed to allocate two extra 180 tickets in the Directors Box to Mr. W. C. Gibbins, in lieu of two Shareholders tickets. Coventry City An invitation to play a Floodlit Match at Coventry was not accepted, and a similar Bury F. C. request from Bury was deferred for two weeks. A request for a fixture with a touring Brazilian Team next April or May was also deferred. Fire Buckets It was agreed to purchase 25th Fire Buckets at 16/6, and also to provide extra Urinals channels and drainage to the Stanley Park 31 stand urinal at a cost £60.0.0 subject to the approval of the Maintenance Committee. BROADCASTING An application from the B. B. C. was 76 considered for permission to Broadcast a commentary during our Match at Tottenham on Dec. 25th. It was agreed to ascertain the views of Tottenham and support their decision. Property 262 A letter was read from E. Wainwright WAINWRIGHT intimating that he was purchasing a house 262 and the completion date was not yet settled. TELEVISION A letter was read from the Football 265