
			[Meeting held at Goodison Park
				Tuesday 28th Aug. 1956.]

			Present:- Mr. T. C. Nuttall (Chair) and
		all other Directors except Mr. R. E. Searle who
		was indisposed. Secretary in attendance.

			Minutes of Meeting of 21st Aug. were
		read and confirmed after noting that the
Stand Painting	dissatisfaction regarding Stand Painting referred to
	273	the present word on the Bullens Road Stand, and
Floodlighting	that erection work of Tower No. 3 for Floodlighting
	273	would commence before Apl. 22nd next.

Finance			Receipts reported were:-
		Leeds Utd. F. C.	%		 445.11.5
		Gate v Blackpool			5965.17.3
		Gate v Bolton W.			4421.15.0
		Blackburn Rovers F. C. re Leyland	 650. 0.0
			Cheques were signed for:-
		Customs & Excise			4932. 9.7
		Football League		%		 134. 0.5
		Bolton Wanderers F. C.	%	 	 573.2.10
		Police				 	 102.15.4
		Wages				 	 778.11.7
		Petty Cash			 	 203. 0.9
			Bank Balance £9562.15.1 Cr.

Reports			Reports were given of the 1st Team games
		v Blackpool (twice) and v Bolton Wanderers, and
		of the 2nd Team games v Leeds Utd. Res. and
		Sheffield Utd. Res. and of 'B' Team Game v
		Blackburn Rovers 'B'.

PRACTICE		The suggested allocation of the Practice
MATCH RECEIPTS	match receipts as submitted was approved.

Rating			A letter was read from the Football
	244	League stating the progress to date made with
		the Inland Revenue with Rating of Football grounds.