272 approved. (Copy annexed). COMMISSIONAIRES The proposed regulations governing the duties of the Commissionaires was approved. (Copy annexed). Directors It was resolved that permanent tickets Tickets for the Directors Box, be issued to each 199 Director, should they desire, as part of their allocation. Mr. M. McILHATTON It was reported that pension at 161. present being paid to Mr. McIlhatton would cease on Sept. 8. Daily Post Permission was granted for players to write a caption to a photograph taken at each home game for the Daily Post. L'pool v Dist. An invitation from this society for Referees Soc. a member of the Board to accept office as a Vice-President was considered, and it was agreed not to accept the invitation. J. Lindsay A letter was read from J. Lindsay 262. stating that he had paid a deposit on a house, and would vacate 7 Radnor Drive as soon as possible. Transfer of The following was approved subject to Shares a new declaration being signed by the sole surviving relatives. Share Nod. 2333 & 912 to 913 from T. J. Leece decd. to J. T. Fairley (Son-in-Law). Temple D. W. It was reported that D. W. Temple had signed as a full-time professional, and was due to join H. M. Forces shortly. Hurley It was reported that a cable had been sent to a South African player named Hurley, who had been strongly recommended. J. Payne It was reported that Payne had gone 239 into Lourdes Hospital to have a clot of blood