[FINANCE COMMITTEE MEETING HELD AT GOODISON PARK THURSDAY 16TH. AUGUST 1956] Present:- Mr. J. C. Sharp (Chair) & Messrs N. W. Coffey, T. C. Nuttall & C. E. Balmforth with the Secretary. THE FOLLOWING RECOMMENDATIONS WERE MADE That all accounts shall, in the first instance, be submitted to the appropriate committee responsible for the expenditure before being passed to the Finance Committee for payment. In each instance the invoice must be initialed by the Chair- man of the appropriate committee. That our Solicitors, Messrs T. J. Smith & Sons, be requested to render an account up to March 31st in each year. That the seats in the Directors' Box be renumbered in four separate blocks, A, B, C and D, to facilitate easy identification of seats. That the fee payable to the ground and maintenance staff for match days, in lieu of a half day, shall be £1 for first team matches and 15/- for second team matches. That the fees payable to the Commissionaires on match days be 15/- for the normal duty and 17/6 for the longer period, plus the usual levies. Mr. Balmforth submitted a scheme for accounting and this was deferred until Mr. Balmforth had ascertained from our accountants the approximate cost of putting this into effect. T. C. Nuttall 21/08/56.