270 Rovers were interested in Leyland and Tunbridge Wells F. C. had been notified. It was reported that the visit of the Scouts last Saturday should be beneficial, and Payne who was not fit had been advised to rest. Mr. I. Robinson It was agreed that a Season Ticket for the Directors Box be issued to Mr. I. Robinson. Car Park It was agreed that the Police should 29. supervise the Car Park in Eton Street, with the top nine places for the Directors and about twenty places for guests lower down. It was agreed that players and officials be allowed to park in Goodison Ave. on request. Aberdeen F. C. It was agreed to accept an invitation to play Aberdeen at Aberdeen on Monday Sept. 24th on Cup tie terms. Shower It was agreed to install a Shower Cabinet Cabinet in the Referees room at a cost of Fifty pounds. It was agreed that each Director be issued with a Glass Door Key, and that MEETINGS in future Board Meetings commence at 4.30 p.m. Directors away To Leeds:- Messrs T. C. Nuttall, J. C. Sharp, N. W. Coffey & F. Micklesfield & E. Green. Next Meeting Tuesday Aug. 21st at 4.30 p.m. Confirmed as correct. T. C. Nuttall 21st Aug. 1956 Chairman.