
			[Meeting held at Goodison Park
				Tuesday 14th Aug. 1956.]

			Present:- Mr. T. C. Nuttall (Vice Chairman)
		and all other Directors except Mr. R. E. Searle
		(Chairman) who was indisposed and Mr. F.
		Micklesfield who tendered his apologies.
		Secretary in attendance. In the absence
		of the Chairman, Mr. Nuttall occupied the
		Chair, and it was agreed that a letter
		be sent to the chairman wishing him
		a speedy recovery.
			Minutes of Meeting of Aug. 9th
		were read and confirmed.

Finance			Receipts reported were:-
		Sale of 39, Southport Rd.	3452.10.9
		Practice Match Gate		 749.10.9
			Cheques were signed for:-
		Customs v Excise		  94. 4.8
		Wages				 702. 9.5
		Petty Cash			 157. 2.2
			Bank Balance £9353.16.4 Cr.

Charity List		It was agreed that the Vice-
(Practice Match) Chairman v Secretary submit a list for
	162	approval of the allocations of the Practice
		Match receipts.
			Reports were given of the Junior
		and Senior Practice matches.

J. F. Sutherland	It was agreed to offer this player
		the tenancy of 6 Goodison Ave in response
		to his request for a club house.

Garages			A request from Moore & Farrell for
		Garages to be necked at their homes was
		referred to the Estate Committee.

H. K. Leyland		It was reported that Blackburn