
			[Meeting held at Exchange Hotel
				Thursday July 19th 1956]

			Present: Mr. R. E. Searle (Chairman), Mr.
		T. C. Nuttall (Vice-Chairman) and all other
		Directors. Secretary in attendance.

			Minutes of the Annual General
		Meeting of June 28th, and of the Directors
		Meeting of June 29th were read and confirmed.

Finance			Receipts reported were:-
		Season Ticket Sales to date	12,742.0.0
			Cheques were signed for:-
		Tysons Ltd. on a/c		1,966.0.0
		Henshaw Bros. Ltd. on a/c	1800. 0.0
		Directors Expenses		  80.10.0
		G. Rankin IN LIEU OF LOST CHEQUE   6.11.0
			Bank Balce. £10,801.8.0 Cr.

Mr. T. C. Nuttall	The Board paid tribute to Mr. Nuttall
	259	for his excellent work on the Floodlighting
		Sub-Committee during the pioneering of the

Report of		The report of recommendations as
Finance Comm.	presented by Mr. Sharp was approved
		(Copy annexed).

G. Rankin		It was reported that negotiations
	1	were completed for the transfer of this
		player to Southport F. C. at a fee of £500.0.0
		to be paid by cheque postdated for Sept. 1st.

H. K. Leyland 154	It was reported that Leyland had
L. Melville	signed for Tunbridge Wells ON JULY 10th and Melville
	196	had been granted a free transfer, at his
		request, by the Football League and had
		signed for Bournemouth. It was agreed that
		the applications to pay accrued share of
		Benefit for both these players be withdrawn.

R. Saunders	R. Saunders had also signed for Tunbridge
	226	wells on July 2nd.