[FINANCE COMMITTEE MEETING HELD AT THE EXCHANGE HOTEL THURSDAY 12TH JULY 1956] Present:- Messrs J. C. Sharp, N. W. Coffey, T. C. Nuttall and C. Balmforth, together with the Secretary. Chairman. Mr. J. C. Sharp was unanimously re-elected Chairman of the Finance Committee for the ensuing year. THE FOLLOWING RECOMMENDATIONS WERE MADE That requirements other than those of Sub-Committees in respect of existing contracts shall be ordered through the medium of the Secretary. Mr. Heron. It was reported that accounts from Mr. Heron had been submitted going back over the past 5 or 6 years, totaling £635. It was agreed that Mr. Heron be asked to render his accounts more reg- ularly and Mr. Pickering to keep a record of medical work done by him. Accounts. Mr. Balmforth together with the Secretary and our Accountants to report on the possibility of a revised system for Income and Expenditure. Cooker. That a reconditioned cooker be purchased at a cost of £17/10/- for installation in the new kitchen. 24 Goodison That an electric cooker be bought for installation Avenue. in this house to be tenanted by W. Haughey, and that the rent he be charged for the house be 16/- per week. THE COOKER TO BE NOTED IN THE LICENSE. Hoover. That a new Hoover cleaner be purchased for use in the Boardroom, Offices etc. Ian C. Buchan That a tempory Life Policy be taken out in respect of Mr. Buchan for £1,360 to December 31st 1956, at a premium of approximately £4, and that special permission be granted for him to join the club pension scheme on the 1st January 1957, to allow for death benefit of £1,360 and a pension of £270 per annum at a cost of £43/7/4 to the club. R. E. Searle