259 [Meeting held at the Exchange Hotel Friday 29th June 1956] Present:- Mr. R. E. Searle (Chair) and all other Directors, Secretary in attendance. Mr. J. Taylor The Chairman extended a warm 258 to Mr. J. Taylor at his first Board Meeting and Mr. Taylor suitably responded. Minutes of Meeting of 25th June were read and confirmed. Chairman At this juncture Mr. Searle 218 vacated the Chair which was taken by the Secretary. Mr. N. W. Coffey proposed that Mr. R. E. Searle be re-elected Chairman for the ensuring year. This was seconded by Mr. T. C. Nuttall and carried unanimously. Mr. Searle then returned to the Chair, and thanked his colleagues for their continued confidence in him. Vice Chairman On a proposition by Mr. C. H. Askham, seconded by Mr. E. Green, Mr. T. C. Nuttall was unanimously elected Vice-Chairman, and he expressed his thanks for the honour bestowed on him. A vote of thanks was passed to Mr. J. C. Sharps for his detailed report of the American Tour. Sub-Committees It was resolved that the Finance 152 Committee, Players Sub-Committee, and Estate Committee be as last year, and at Mr. Nuttall's request, that he be allowed to withdraw from the Floodlight Sub-committee, and it was agreed that Mr. J. Taylor take his place.