257 [Annual General Meeting held at the Central Hall. Renshaw St. Liverpool on Thursday 28th June 1956.] Present :- Mr. R. E. Searle (Chair) and all other Directors, together with Messrs J. C. Bryson and G. H. Bowler, the Secretary and 104 Shareholders. Notice The Secretary read the notice convening the Meeting. Press Members of the press were admitted with the approval of the meeting. Directors Report The Chairman referred to the death of Mr. A. N. Denaro, a Director of the Club, and two old Shareholders G. Clarkson and W. T. Searle, and the Meeting stood in silence for a few moments as a taken of respect. Balance Sheet After it had been agreed that the Report of the Directors, the Balance Sheet & Accounts, and the Auditors report thereon be taken as read Mr. W. Birch proposed that the Accounts and Balance Sheet, together with the Report thereon be adopted. This was seconded by Mr. H. Jones, and after a question put by Mr. J. R. Greig had been answered the motion was duly carried. Dividend Mr. J. C. Sharp proposed that a dividend of 7½% less tax, be paid on the paid up Capital of the Company. This was seconded by Mr. G. H. Budson and carried. Auditors Fees A proposal by Mr. R. E. Searle that the Auditors Fee for the ensuing year be the same as last year, was seconded by