253 [Meeting held at Exchange Hotel Monday 25th June 1956] Present:- Mr. R. E. Searle (Chair) and all other Directors. Secretary in attendance. Minutes of Meeting of May 30th were read and confirmed. Finance Receipts reported were:- U. S. A Tour Cash 6608. 6.1 Season Ticket Sales 8310.15.0 F. A. Cup Pool 1114. 9.0 Tranmere Rovers re Molyneux 250. 0.0 Cheques were signed for:- Wages 237.14.3 P. M. G Postages 50. 0.0 Bank Balance £21,528.2.5 Cr. Tour Mr. Green reported on the success 236 of the American Tour, and a vote of thanks was passed to the two Directors and the Secretary for the excellent manner in which the tour had been managed. Dividend Resolved to recommend that a 145 dividend of 7½% less tax be paid on the paid up capital of the Company. 1 Earls close It was reported that Mr. Ian 250 Buchan had agreed to occupy this house at a rental of 20/- per week. Boundary Wall It was resolved that the Boundary Goodison Place wall at Goodison Place be straightened out when rebuilt often the foundation for floodlight Pylon had been completed. It was agreed that Messrs Husband & Co. be asked to reply to the letter of complaint received from St. Lukes Church. Floodlighting A report was given by Mr. 251