251 F. A. Council It was agreed to nominate Mr. T. S. Wood, Secretary Nomination of Div. III of the Cheshire County F. A. as Divisions III representative Representative on the F. A. council. Service Tenancy It was resolved that when any player living in a club house is transferred or on the expiry of his contract with the club, the rent for such house shall cease on the date of his transfer or expiry of contract. It was further resolved that Messrs T. J. Smith & Son be instructed to write H. Potts to the effect that possession of his house, 1 Earls Close, Liverpool 23 would be required on the 1st July and that the Acting Secretary inform J. Lindsay that immediate possession of his house, 7, Radnor Drive, Liverpool 20 would be required. Floodlighting Mr. F. Micklesfield gave a full & detailed report of 232 the work contemplated during the close season and unformed the Board that Mr. Hatton of G. E. C. had advised him that 80% of work could be completed before the commencement of the forthcoming playing season. Mr. Hatton had enquired whether the Board could make a payment against the cost of the work and it was resolved that we adhere to the original terms of the contract. Mr. Micklesfield further reported that Mr. Hatton had enquired re the possibility of being allowed space to construct rooms, as near to the Sub-station as possible, to house Switchgear & such like and it was agreed that the matter be left in the hands of the Floodlighting Committee. Nominations Mr. R. E. Searle (Chairman) reported that Messrs 248 R. A. Joynson & W. H. Sawyer had withdrawn their nominations as candidates for this Board of Directions at the forthcoming Annual General