
			[Meeting held at Goodison Park
				Tuesday 8th May 1956.]

		Present:- Mr. R. E. Searle (Chair) and all other
						Secretary in attendance
		Directors except Mr. J. C. Sharp who tendered an apology.

Minutes		The minutes of meetings of May 1st & 2nd were read & confirmed.

I. J. Smith	Confirmation given to the ongoing of I. J. Smith, L. H., of
242		Chorley F. C. for the fee of £625. If the player was
		satisfactory the club agreed to send a team to play at

J. D. Williams	Confirmation of the signing of John D. Williams as a
224		full time professional was given.

Players & Staff	The following resolution affecting the Players & Staff
Savings Fund	Savings Fund was approved.
	90		"Resolved, that a Banking Account for the
		Everton F. C. Players & Staff Savings Fund be continued
		with the Midland Bank Ltd. at their Walton Branch
		and that the Bank ? and is hereby empowered to
		honour, cheques, orders for Payment, Bills of Exchange
		and Promissory notes drawn, signed, accepted or made
		on behalf of the said Everton F. C. Players & Staff Savings
		Fund by any two of the Club Directors or by one Director
		and the Secretary, and to act on any instructions
		given by the persons so authorised with regard to any
		accounts or transactions of the said Everton F. C.
		Players & Staff Savings Fund."

Bury F. C.	Bury F. C. offered £3000 for J. W. Parker and £500 for
		J. Lindsay and after discussion the Board were willing
		to accept £3,500 for the two players.

Transfer of		The following was approved:- Shares No. 287-289 from
Shares		Exors. A. N. Denaro to Wm. R. Denaro.

			It was reported that Mr. J. Buchan would be
I. C. Buchan	commencing his duties on Wednesday 18th July. Confirmation
	245	was given for Mr. & Mrs I. Buchan to visit Liverpool next
		week-end to visit the club and look our training