Re-Rating It was agreed to furnish Mr. Isaac
102 Dixon with figures of our net gate receipts
for the last 3 seasons.
Hitchin Town F. C. It was agreed that a request for
a contribution to the Hitchin Town Football
Museum be let lie on the table.
C. S. Britton It was agreed that the surrender
227. value of the assurance effected with the
Sun Life Assurance Co. be payable to Mr.
Britton. The draft of a letter to be sent to
Mr. Britton by the Company's Solicitor was
approved, providing our solicitors concerned,
and to enclose a cheque to clear the
outstanding liabilities between he and the
Transfer of The following were approved:-
Shares Shares Nod. 2236 and 807 from Florence Green
to Eileen Gertrude Trinham.
Directors Away To Cup Final:- Messrs R. E. Searle and
C. H. Askham.
To England v Brazil:- Mr. Balmforth.
Next Meeting This was left to the Chairman to
Confirmed as correct
R. E. Searle.