[SUB-COMMITTEE MEETING HELD AT GOODISON PARK THURSDAY, 26TH APRIL 1956] Present:- Mr. J. C. Sharp (Chair) and Messrs. N. W. Coffey, T. C. Nuttall and C. E. Balmforth, with the Secretary in attendance. THE FOLLOWING RECOMMENDATIONS WERE MADE Flood- That the proposed Floodlighting Scheme, as planned, lighting be proceeded with. The foundation work to be done during the summer of 1956 and the erection of the towers to be done during the summer of 1957, owing to the delay in steel deliveries. The total cost would be in the region of £38,000. Ladies' That a Ladies' Room be provided over the office at Room an approximate cost of £1,200. Plumbing That a firm of insulating experts be asked to report on the insulation of our water pipes and that the Merseyside Plumbing Co. account of £543 for repairs be passed for payment. Visiting Dir- That these be re-positioned in five rows of six ectors' Seats seats at the rear of the present position. Trainers' Approval was given to the purchase of materials Store Room amounting to approximately £40 for the provision of a new store room for equipment and kit. R. E. Searle Harry Peers & Co. tender for steelwork reduced by £650 for May 1957 delivery accepted. No Steel to be acquired through Black Market, and to be invoiced at Ruling price as and when acquired. Agreed that we pay for the foundation work when completed.