242 for replacing the conugated iron on the Bullens Road Gable with aluminium, subject to approval by Messrs F. Micklesfield & C. H. Askham of the gauge of metal to be used. Painting It was agreed that an estimate of £940 submitted by Henshaw Bros. for painting the seats in the Bullens Road Stand be accepted, and that an estimate of £5,048 from the same firm, for painting the Bullens Road Stand be accepted subject to the approval of the Sub-Committee. All the work to be completed before the end of July, and R. Williams to be appointed Clerk of Works. M/c City It was agreed that Mr. & Mrs. Searle represent the Club at a Banquet in London given by Manchester City on May 5th. Girl Guides A request for the loan of the ground on a Saturday during the close season for a Girl Guides pageant was considered. It was agreed that this could not be granted. L'pool Schools A letter of thanks was read from F. A. the Liverpool Schools F. A. for the use of the 192. ground on May 16th. Directors Away To Manchester:- Messrs E. Green, T. C. Nuttall and F. Micklesfield. Next Meeting Tuesday May 1st at 4 p.m. Confirmed as correct. R. E. Searle Chairman.