240 the cost of the Annual Conference of this Association was considered, and turned down. ASSN. OF FOOTBALL It was agreed that an invitation to LEAGUE REFEREES attend a Luncheon in Southport, for a AND LINESMEN. representative of our Club, during the Annual Conference of this Association could not be accepted. House of It was agreed to donate ten pounds Providence to the House of Providence in lieu of a collection. Transfer of The following were approved:- Shares SHARES NOD. 1852 To 1854 FROM J. B. CLYNCH TO MRS. M. WALKER Indemnity It was agreed to issue a new 144 Certificate for five Shares Nod. 527 to 531 to the Exor. of A. Phipps against an indemnity. Director away To Chesterfield:- Mr. Green. Vasco da Gama It was agreed that the Vasco da 230 Gama party be entertained whilst in Liverpool and that F. I. F. A Rules regarding substitutes be enforced. It was agreed to invite the Lord Mayor to the Match. Next Meeting Tuesday April 24th at 4 p.m. Confirmed as correct R. E. Searle. Chairman.