237 a match at Goodison Park was considered. It was regretted that this could not be arranged as the ground is fully booked till the end of the season. Chelsea F. C. A luncheon invitation from 156. this Club for Saturday next was accepted by Mr. & Mrs Searle, Mr. & Mrs. Nuttall, Mr. Sharp & Mr. Askham. Acting It was resolved that Mr. H. R. Secretary Pickering be appointed acting Secretary, during the absence of the Secretary on the American Tour, with authority to sign cheques, Bills of Exchange and other documents. D. M. Kendall A request for the loan of a 76. film of one of our games for use our American T. V. was considered. It was agreed to ascertain the views of the American Soccer League. Directors Away To Chelsea:- All except Messrs F. Micklesfield and N. W. Coffey. Coach It was resolved to announce 234 to the Press, that the Board were prepared to consider the appointment of a first class coach. Next Meeting Tuesday Apl. 17th at 4 p.m. Confirmed as correct R. E. Searle Chairman.