236 of a minor nature, and all were expected to be fit for Saturday. A. Farrall It was reported that Alex Farrall would be discharged from the Army on May 3rd. to unable to go on the Tour to America. C. Leyfield It was noted that Charles Leyfield's mother had died, and that the Funeral may be on Friday or Saturday. Cup Final It was reported that the F. A. Replay had agreed to our suggestion for the Replay. 230 It was agreed to suggest that invitations be sent to Lord Derby and the Lord Mayor, and that a request be made for two box Tickets for each Director. Retain & It was resolved that the Transfer List recommended list of players for the 233 Retain List, and the transfer list be approved. It was agreed that the players for transfer be circulated to the Clubs after they had first been notified. Tour It was agreed that Birch & Rea 233. replace Parker and Wainwright in the Touring party. Exeter City A letter was read asking 233. for re-consideration of the extra fee of £500 after Buckle had played in 25 First team games for Exeter City. It was agreed that this additional payments will be waived if the balance of £1000.0.0 still outstanding, is paid no later than Friday Apl. 13th. A letter of thanks was read from Mrs. E. H. McConnell. HOME FARM F. C. A request from this Club for