			[Meeting held at Exchange Hotel
				Tuesday March 27th 1956]

			Present :- Mr. R. E. Searle (Chair)
		and all other Directors. Secretary in

			Minutes of Meeting of March
		20th were read and confirmed.

Finance			Receipts reported were:-
		Gate v Cardiff City	       3220. 9.6
			Cheques were signed for:-
		Customs & Excise		632.19.6
		Football League			 99. 0.7
		Cardiff City F. C.		423.15.3
		Police				 64.14.4
		Wages				680.18.9
		Petty Cash			221.9.5
			Bank Balance £23,456.14.0 Cr.

Floodlighting		It was reported that the
	227	structural alterations to the Sub-Station
		would be an additional liability to the
		Club, and this was agreed to.

Report of		The report of recommendations as
Sub-Committee	presented by Mr. Sharp was approved.
		Copy annexed.

Bullens Road Seats	It was agreed that four estimates
		be obtained, including one from Messrs
		Douglas & Sons, for sealing and painting
		the ironwork of the Bullens Road Seats
		and varnishing the woodwork.

Reports			Reports were given of the 1st Team
		Game v Cardiff C. and of the 2nd Team
		Game v Huddersfield Res.

Reports on		Reports were given on many
Players		players who had been watched last