Loud That four additional speakers be obtained for the Speakers. Bullens Road Stand and one replacement speaker, at an approximate cost of £115. Badges. That 500 Club Badges be ordered from Fattorinis at a cost of 1/8d each. Alterations That the proposed alterations to the office block be proceeded with at a cost of approximately £3,000, and that Mr. Beech explore the possibility of pro- viding a Ladies' Room and submit a plan for a new Players Entrance. Geyser Approval was given for the purchase of a new geyser Bellefield for Bellefield at a cost of £30. Ground Approval was given for the motor mower to be over- Requisites hauled and for the purchase of a disc harrower for £17/14/- and a hand mower for Bellefield for £6. 11, Thirl- Approval was given for repairing garden fence by mere Drive our own joiner, the materials to cost in the region of £5. 38, Larch- An estimate for painting the back kitchen and bath wood Ave. room from Mr. Andrew Sutton, amounting of £13/5/-, was approved. Approval was also given to construct a side partition and door, materials to cost approx- imately £8. Sports Turf It was agreed to donate three guineas to the Research Research Fund of this Institute. Institute Alterations The final accounts for the alterations already done were stated showing a balance due to Tysons of £1176. These were approved for payment at the next Finance Meeting. Tradesmen The Secretary was instructed to report on the position regarding the tradesmen at the next meeting, together with any recommendations. Property The new Rating Assessments for our properties were Re-Rating noted and it was agreed that they appeared to be reasonable.