[SUB-COMMITTEE MEETING HELD AT GOODISON PARK FRIDAY, 23RD MARCH 1956] Present:- Mr. J. C. Sharp (Chair) and Messrs. N. W. Coffey and T. C. Nuttall, to- gether with the Secretary. THE FOLLOWING RECOMMENDATIONS WERE MADE Season That the price of Season Tickets for 1956-57 remain Tickets. at five guineas, as last year. Vasco da That the prices of admission for this match be as Gama F. C. for League matches, with reserved seats for the centre stands at 6/- each. Pension That the Declaration of Trust be signed and sealed Scheme. on behalf of the Company and deposited with the Royal Insurance Co. Ltd., Reseeding. That the necessary reseeding work at Goodison Park and Bellefield be proceeded with, at an approximate cost of £400. Goodison That Messrs. Tysons be instructed to chip off all Road Stand loose and dangerous cement on the underside of the Concrete Goodison Road Stand and face up with cement. Steps. General That necessary repairs be effected to the gutters Repairs. on the Gwladys Street Stand and the Goodison Road Stand and also to the penthouse on top of the Goodison Road Stand. Painting That estimates be obtained for the painting of all Bullens steelwork on the Bullens Road Stand for each of the Road Stand four blocks separately and in total. All steel- work to be wire brushed and given three coats of paint. 8, Goodison That the tenant, Mr. Matthews, be given permission Road. to widen the double gates and have a runway made, subject to Corporation approval being obtained in the first instance, and at no cost to the club.