228 been seen by Directors, were recommended to WALLACE be seen again :- WALLACE (CORK CITY) I. L. OR O. L. (CORK. C) WEATHERUP AGE. 19. WEATHERUP (LINFIELD) O. L. AGE 23. (LINFIELD) TAYLOR TAYLOR (WATERFORD) GOAL. AGE 20. (WATERFORD) MCNALLY MCNALLY (SHELBOURNE) R. B. (SHELBOURNE) HENNESSEY HENNESSEY (SHAMROCK ROVERS) L. H. AGE 23. MILLINGTON MILLINGTON (TRANMERE ROVERS) C. H. AGE 25. RIGG RIGG (GILLINGHAM) R. H. Tour It was agreed that the draft 226 letter submitted, be sent to the American Soccer League. It was further agreed that 2 piece suits to provided also for the Directors travelling to America. Cup Final It was agreed that no players 131, 124 be taken to the Cup Final this year, and the suggested allocations of tickets were approved. Florence Inst. It was agreed to donate £10.10.0 for Boys to the Florence Institute for Boys in lieu of a collection. Director Away To Huddersfield :- Mr. Green. Next Meeting Tuesday March 27th at 4 p.m. Confirmed as Correct R. E. Searle 24/3/56 Chairman