
KING. J. A.	J. A. King and B. Griffiths were to sign part-
GRIFFITHS B.	time professional forms.
			The following players were approval
Tour		for the Tour:-
225			O'Neill, Moore, Tansey, Farrell, P. D. Jones,
		Lello, McNamara, Wainwright, Harris J., Fielding,
		Eglington, Woods, Donovan, Harris B., Farrell A.
		and Parker.

SAUNDERS R.		It was agreed that Saunders name
	207	be taken off the transfer list at his own

Players to		It was agreed that the chairman
Watch		attend the Match in Dublin on Saturday
		between the Irish Football League and the
		Football League of Ireland.

INTERNATIONAL		It was agreed that each Director
TICKETS		be allowed to purchase 2 seat, 6 d 4/6 and
    86		12 @ 3/6 for the Scotland v England match.

Directors Away		To Huddersfield:- Messrs F. Micklesfield,
		C. E. Blamforth & C. H. Askham.

Next Meeting		Tuesday March 20th at 4 p.m.

					Confirmed as correct

					R. E. Searle 20/03/56