225 transfer of this 19 year old O. L. from Bradford City for a fee of £1,500.0.0 plus an additional £500 often he had played in 12 1st Team League games. C. S. Britton It was agreed that a cheque 222 be sent to Mr. Britton for salary due up to Feb. 24th, and a draft letter was approved to be sent to him in reply to his letter of March 5th. It was agreed that the Chairman, Mr. Balmforth and the Secretary see Mr. Bryson for him to clarity the position regarding the house, in writing. Tour It was reported that our 221 financial terms were not as favourable as other clubs had received. It was agreed that a draft letter be circulated to each Director for approval, asking for consideration for increasing the amount to be paid to us. It was agreed to provide a two-piece suit, or Blazer & Flammells to each of the players and officials traveling if permission be granted by the Football League, and to provide a Blazer & Flammells for the players going to Amsterdam and including Llewellyn. It was also agreed to provides 18 name tabs for those going to America Sub- COMMITTEE TO SUPERVISE:- CHAIRMAN MESSRS J. C. SHARP, T. C. NUTTALL & SECY. Stubshaw Cross It was agreed to donate Ten B. C. pounds to this club in respect of Lleweelyn who had achieved Youth International honours. GANNON T. It was reported the T. Gannon 54