		  The President stated that the present arrangement worked very well, but it might be better
		to wait and see what would be the result of playing postponed matches under floodlight. It may
		very well be that the problem would solve itself.

Regulation 81	  The Third Division (South) Representative expressed the opinion of his Clubs that this
with regard to	regulation should be altered to allow any alteration to rules to be carried by a simple majority.
three-quarters	They were also of the opinion that the Articles of Association should be altered similarly.
		  West Bromwich Albion F.C. were strongly opposed to any alteration of the present system.
		  The President pointed out that the present arrangement served its purpose by preventing
		frivolous suggestions being brought before the Annual Meeting of Clubs.

Retiring Age	  Wolverhampton Wanderers F.C. expressed the view that as there was a shortage of good
of Referees.	referees it seemed all wrong that the services of men who were still in the prime of life should be
		lost to the League because of the present age limit.
		  Sunderland F.C. said that referees attaining the age of 47 years of age could continue on the
		list from year to year with a proviso that a satisfactory medical certificate should be produced.
		  Swindon Town F.C. said that the Football Association County Committees were not satisfied
		with the number and quality of the young referees coming along, and they felt that it should be
		the prerogative of the Management Committee to extend the services of approved referees.
		  The President pointed out that the producing of a medical certificate would not always be
		sufficient evidence of a referee's fitness to carry on after the retiring age.

Eligibility for	  Sunderland F.C. stated that they proposed to bring forward at the next Annual General
Election to	Meeting a proposal that nomination for election to the Management Committee should be confined
the Manage-	to Directors of First and Second Division Clubs. They did, however, except a serving member
ment		of the Management Committee whose Club was relegated to the Third Division.

Reserve		  Luton Town F.C. suggested that as part of the reconstruction of the League a subsidiary
Competitions.	competition for the reserve teams of the League Clubs should be formed within the League
		Organization. Clubs with reserve teams in other Leagues had divided loyalty and here was an
		opportunity to remove the onus from the Clubs of sometimes having to make decisions contrary
		to League policy.
		  The President pointed out that there were certain practical difficulties involved in this
		suggestion. It would mean serious depletion in other Leagues if the teams representing League
		Clubs were to withdraw.

Closing Down	  Wolverhampton Wanderers F.C. proposed that the Football League competition should be
during Winter	suspended during the months of January and February in order to avoid playing matches in the
Months.		extremely bad weather usually prevalent during these two months.
		  Liverpool F.C. thought that it would be very dangerous to have a two months' break in the
		middle of the Season which would probably result in a serious loss of interest on the part of the

Safety		  Portsmouth F.C. drew attention to the dangers existing on many grounds due to the fact that
Precautions.	retaining walls and fences were too near to the field of play. They thought that some action
		might be taken by the Clubs to minimise this risk, and also consideration given to corner flags
		being made of some material which would not break or splinter as easily as wood.

Practice Match	  Queen's Park Rangers F.C. asked that Clubs would give serious consideration to the making
Receipts.	of representation to the Football Association for an alteration of their rules to permit Clubs to
		donate the net gate instead of the gross gate to charities.

Other		  Southampton F.C. asked that consideration should be given to the sending of more details of
Business.	the proposals on the Agenda for the Conference. This would enable Clubs to give more con-
		sideration to the various matters to be raised, prior to the meeting.

Entertainment	  The President informed the Clubs that representations had again been made to the Chancellor
Tax.		of the Exchequer in the strongest possible terms with regard to the present rate of Entertainment
		tax. It was not yet known whether the Chancellor would see representatives of the League although
		a request had been made, for such an interview.
		  Sunderland F.C. proposed a sincere vote of thanks to the President for presiding over what had
		been a very long and difficult meeting. The Clubs all hoped that his health would allow him to
		continue for many years.
		  The vote of thanks was carried with acclamation and the President thanked the Club repre-
		sentatives for their forbearance.