			       THURSDAY MARCH 8TH 1956]

		Present:- Mr. F. Micklesfield (Chair) and Messrs J. C. Sharp,
			  T. C. Nuttall and C. H. Askham, together with the
			  Secretary and G. E. C. Officials.

			It was agreed that the new financial terms submitted by
		the General Electric Co., be passed to the Finance Committee for
			It was resolved to recommend that the scheme submitted
		by the General Electric Co., at an estimate cost of between £34,000
		and £35,000, be proceeded with, subject to the financial arrangements
		being satisfactory to the Finance Committee. It was agreed that the
		towers be 160 feet high and that the items providing for remote
		control of the lighting be deleted.
			It was agreed that preference be given to Tysons for the
		foundation work for the towers, subject to their estimate being
			It was agreed that the following firms be included in the
		list for tenders for steelwork erection - McIntire & Sons Ltd.,
		Francis Morton, Orthostyle Ltd., Douglas and Sons.
			It was agreed that if the scheme be proceeded with the
		normal scale of fees be payable to the designers of the towers,
		Messrs Husband & Co.
			It was agreed that the General Electric Co., ensure that
		the steel work be treated to prevent corrosion and they super-
		vise this work.
			It was agreed that the necessary alterations to the sub-
		station be left to the discretion of the General Electric Co., and
		that they contact M. A. N. W. E. B., in this matter.
			It was reported that Goodison Place was an adopted
		thoroughfare and that the City Council's permission would be
		required for the erection of a pylon there and it was agreed
		that the General Electric Co. make the necessary application.

								R. E. Searle.  19/03/56