220 February 24th, that he had no intention of continuing in the service of the Company, and furthermore, having withheld his services since that date, the Board accepted such action by the Manager as his resignation, and resolved to accept his resignation accordingly, and that he be notified to this effect forthwith. It was further resolved that Mr. Britton be requested to return the bar owned by the Company, or to purchase same for £646.0.0 in accordance with the minute of Nov. 10th 1953. It was agreed that the Secretary give facilities to Mr. Britton, for him to attend at the office to collect any personal belonging, and to hand over the Keys held by him. It was agreed that Mr. Bryson consider the position regarding the house and report to the Board for the next meeting. {R. E. S.} A letter was read from Mr. {R. E. S.} Britton requesting an apology FROM MESSRS SEARLE, NUTTALL, BALMFORTH ASKHAM & MICKLESFIELD and withdrawal of a statement issued UNANIMOUSLY by the Board last Saturday. It was agreed that this be left in abeyance. Directors Away To Manchester:- All except Mr. Sharp. Next Meeting Tuesday Mar. 6th at 4 p.m. Confirmed as correct. R. E. Searle 6/3/56 Chairman.