219 Reports Reports were given of the 1st Team game v Arsenal and of the 2nd Team game v Aston Villa Res. SUB. COMMITTEE It was resolved that a Sub- (PLAYERS) Committee consisting of Messrs T. C. Nuttall, C. E. Balmforth and F. Micklesfield be appointed to be in complete change of all teams and team selections. It was agreed that Messrs T. C. Nuttall v C. E. Balmforth join the party at Buxton on Thursday. It was reported that Melville had the Flu, Wainwright v Mayors were doubtful, and Lewis & Lindsay had colds, but were fit to play. Billy Ellaway It was agreed that training facilities be given to Billy Ellaway for his forthcoming fight, but not to clash with players training. B. B. C It was agreed to grant TELEVISION permission for the B. B. C. Television 178 service to film training sequences, if we reach the Semi-final of the F. A Cup. Tour It was resolved that a Sub- 207. Committee consisting of Messrs J. C. Sharp, C. H. Askham and the Secretary be appointed to attend to the U. S. A. tour details, and that the Youth trip to Amsterdam be left to Mr. Pickering. C. S. Britton Mr. Bryson joined the Meeting 216, 215 at this point to advise our certain aspects of Mr. Britton's actions. Mr. C. S. Britton, having informed the Board at a Meeting held on Friday