
			[Meeting held at Exchange Hotel
				Tuesday Feb. 28th 1956]

			Present :- Mr. E. Green (Chair) and all
		other Directors. Secretary in attendance.

			Minutes of Meetings of Feb. 24th
		Feb. 25 and Feb. 27 were read and confirmed,
		with an addendum to the Minutes of Feb 24th.

Chairman		Mr. Green announced that he wished
	152	to tender his resignation as Chairman,
		under the present difficult circumstances,
		and after expressions of appreciation for his
		past services by each member of the Board,
		his resignation was accepted with regret.
			Mr. R. E. Searle was unanimously
		elected Chairman, and in expressing his
		thanks for the honour bestowed on him,
		expressed the wish that the Board would
		pull together as a united team for the
		benefit of the Club.
			The Board re-affirmed that contrary
		to press report, there was no split on
		the Board.

Annual			The agenda for the conference of clubs
Conference	was studied, and it was agreed that Mr.
	196	Searle should attend, along with Mr. Green
		and the Secretary.

Finance			Receipts reported were:-
		Arsenal F. C. %			 238. 3.7
		Gate v Bolton W.		5052.14.6
			Cheques were signed for:-
		Customs & Excise.		971.9.0
		Football League		%	155.16.7
		Bolton W.		%	674.2.6
		Police				 91.14.4
		Wages				663.13.9
		Petty Cash			250.0.0
			Bank Balance £25,169.10.9 Cr.