
			[Emergency Meeting held at Exchange
			Hotel. Monday Feb. 27th 1956]

			Present :- Messrs J. C. Sharp, T. C.
		Nuttall, C. E. Balmforth, F. Micklesfield,
		R. E. Searle & C. H. Askham, and the
		Secretary. Messrs E. Green & N. W. Coffey
		were unable to be present.

Chairman		In the absence of the Chairman
		it was resolved that Mr. R. E. Searle be
		elected to the Chair for this Meeting,
		and Mr. Searle suitably responded.

Statement.		The reply of a statement to
215	216	be issued to the Press, together with
		Photostatic copies of the stipulated demands
		left in a document at the meeting of
		Feb. 24th by Mr. Britton was considered.
		It was agreed unanimously that these
		be released to the Press.
			It was agreed that Mr. Bryson
		be on call for the Board meeting tomorrow.
			It was agreed that a cheque for
		£144.7.6 be sent to the Football League
		in respect of the pension contributions
		relating to C. S. Britton & W. Dickinson for
		the quarter commencing March 1st.

				Confirmed as Correct

				R. E. Searle	28/2/56