THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE EVERTON FOOTBALL CLUB COMPANY LIMITED ISSUE THIS STATEMENT TO- DAY, THE 27TH FEBRUARY, 1956 :- Mr. Britton is reported in the Press and on Television as denying the Everton Board's statement that he confronted the Board at their meeting last Friday, the 24th February, with a demand for forty years security of tenure of the residence belonging to the Everton Football club which he occupies. In view of this, and as a matter of principle, the Board feel constrained to hand to the Press this photograph of the actual document which Mr. Britton presented to the Board at that meeting. This document was to be signed on behalf of the Board over the 6d. stamps {to be value of 6d} already affixed thereto, and Mr. Britton gave the Board half an hour in which to accede to his demands. The photograph speaks for itself, and confirms the Board's earlier statement.