215 Use of Ground The following requests for the use of ground were approved:- Lancashire F. A. Wed. Apl. 25th at Goodison Park for Lancashire Amateur Cup Final. Everton Shield Final. Monday Mar. 19th at Goodison Park, if the ground was fit. Liverpool v Dist. Wednesday Amateur League. Wed. Mar. 14th at Bellefield for Semi-Finals. Next Meeting Tuesday Feb. 28th at 4 p.m. Confirmed as correct E. Green 28.2.56 Chairman. ADDENDUM TO Mr. Britton presented on the letter MINUTES head of the Everton Football Club, the 213. terms upon which he was prepared to withdraw his action against the Club for alleged Beach of contract. These terms are as shown in the Photostat copy annexed. Mr. Britton then demanded and answer to the terms within 30 minutes, stating that he would remain for that period on the Hotel premises. Confirmed as correct E. Green 28.2.56 CHAIRMAN.