211 [Emergency Meeting held at the Exchange Hotel. Wednesday Feb. 15th 1956] Present :- Mr. E. Green (Chair) and all other Directors except Mr. Coffey. Breach of The Board having discussed Contract with Mr. Bryson the difference which 208 has arisen between Mr. Britton and the Board, relative to the resolution passed at the Meeting of Feb. 7th, when the Board appointed Mr. Pickering as acting Manager during Mr. Britton's absence on the American Tour, resolved that further consideration of the whole matter be left over till the next Meeting. Mr. Britton further requested that the following statement be recorded in the minutes:- In view of so many other peoples interests, especially the players, being involved in this vital match on Saturday I have decided to withdraw my statement to the Press until after the next meeting. It was resolved that each member of the Board be furnished with a copy of Mr. Britton's service agreement. Confirmed as Correct E. Green Chairman 24.2.56