208 [Meeting held at Exchange Hotel Tuesday Feb. 14th 1956.] Present:- Mr. E. Green (Chair) and all other Directors except Mr. Coffey who tendered his apologies. Manager & Secretary in attendance. Minutes of Meeting of Feb. 7th were read and confirmed. Breach of Mr. Britton stated that following Contract. Legal advice he had taken, there has been a breach of his service contract with the Company, by the appointment of an Acting Manager, during his absence on the American Tour, without prior consultation with himself, and claims two years salary as compensation, and the termination of his contract. He further stated that he objected to the appointment of Mr. Pickering as Acting Manager during his absence in America. Mr. Britton requested to be relieved of his duties till the matter was settled. It was resolved that his request be not acceded to. Rochdale F. C. A letter was read from Rochdale F. C. concerning an offer made by Mr. Pickering for their player Brian Green. A resolution H. R. PICKERING that Mr. Pickering comes before the Board 207 next week to explain his offer was not carried. It was agreed that Rochdale be informed that the Board had no knowledge of the offer, which was made without authority. It was agreed that Mr. Bryson be asked to meet the Board on Wednesday