at home.
R. Saunders Benefits of Four hundred and fifty
182 pounds for R. Saunders and Seven
J. Lindsay hundred and fifty pounds for J. Lindsay
were approved.
Tour It was agreed that Mr. Sharp
201 accompany the Touring party to America.
Football League Agreed that Mr. Searle should
A. G. M. represent the Club at the Football League
188 A. G. M. accompanied by Mr. Nuttall and
{Mr. Danano} the Secretary.
A letter of thanks was read
from Mr. F. C. Denaro.
Butlins Young A letter of confirmation was
Ladies read from Butlins re the display for
204 Feb. 18th.
Acting Manager Resolved that Mr. H. R. Pickering
be appointed acting Manager during
the absence of the Manager on the
American Tour.
RETAIN LIST Resolved that Mr. Britton be
143 requested to circulate to the Directors
by Feb. 21st a list of the Players
be recommends to go on Tour, and
also a list of the players he
recommends for placing on the Retain
and transfer list.
Directors Away To Sheffield :- Messrs E. Green,
F. Micklesfield & C. H. Askham.
To West Brom :- Mr. Balmforth.
Next Meeting Tuesday Feb. 14th at 4 p.m.
Confirmed as Correct
E. Green