197 [Meeting held at Exchange Hotel Tuesday 10th Jan. 1956] Present:- Mr. E. Green (Chair) and all other Directors, Manager & Secretary in attendance. Minute of meeting of Jan. 3rd were read and confirmed. Finance Receipts reported were:- B.ham City F. C. % 365.10. 8 Luton Town F. C. % 334.13. 4 Gate v Bristol City 6488.17. 6 Cheques were signed for:- Customs v Excise 1404.15. 4 Football League 63.10. 8 Football Assn. 1588. 5. 6 Bristol City F. C. 1699.10. 5 Police 73.18. 0 Wages 696.17. 3 Petty Cash 230. 0. 0 D. Henderson Ltd. 7. 5.10 Football Asson. INT. TRTS. 49. 8. 0 Bank Balance £30.351.9.1 Cr. Reports Reports were given of the 1st team game v Bristol City, and of the 2nd team game v M/c Utd. Res. Floodlighting It was reported that the G. E. C. 191 proposals would not be ready for about 3 weeks. REESE Mr. Button reported on this outside (EXETTR. C) left in the Match v State City. He was Williams (Bdfd. C) disappointing on that showing. Williams Bennett (Part V) (Bradford City) and Bennett (Port Nale Res.) had been watched and Bennett got the more favourable report. Mr. Micklesfield