196 was considered. The offer was for 8 games, and included Tourist Class Fares for a party of 20, Travel Xes. in the U. S. A. Hotel accommodation and $6 per person per day for meals and £2500. It was agreed that the players views be ascertained and then left to Mr. Britton to decide. W. Kertland It was agreed that we could not arrange a match with the Yugo - Sear Dynamics who may be visiting England in February. Cup Final It was decided not to avail Tickets ourselves of the decision of the F. A. to allow tickets for the Cup-Final to be ballotted for through the club programme. Fairways F. C. Letters of thanks were read from 192 F. Johnson, S. Eggleton v Fairways F. C. It was agreed that permission could not be given to Fairways F. C. to be our ? Club. Melville L. It was agreed that the application 133 from this player for a transfer on part-time engagement be left to Mr. Britton. It was reported Tansey v Fielding would be fit to play. Mr. Namara, Mayers, Saunders & Birch were in light training. Annual It was agreed that the Chairman, Conference manager & Secretary represent the club at the 124 Annual conference on Mar. 12th in London. Director away To Manchester:- Mr. Green. Next Meeting Tuesday Jan. 10th or 17th at 4 p.m. Confirmed as correct E. Green 10.1.56 Chairman.