South Africa next summer.
K. Hale It was reported that this Amateur
player from the North East had decided to
go home.
It was reported that Lello may be
fit for Saturday, and Grant who was
suffering from Lumbags should be fit to play.
Mayers was doing exercises, Saunders was to
start training next week, and Temple should
also be fit next week.
Reports Reports were given on BOTTOM & WILKINSON
(York City) RICHARDS & EVANS (Wrexham) and
BOWYER (Stoke City) and it was agreed that
Wilkinson, Evans and Bowyer be seen
again. Mr. Sharp & Mr. Searle agreed to
see Bowyer at Anfield on Monday next.
F. A. Cup Replay It was agreed, if a replay was
192 necessary that this be played at Bristol
on Wed. Jan. 11th K. O. 2 pm.
S. Eggleton It was agreed that a Christmas
parcel be sent to this crippled Supporter.
Directors Away To Burnley:- Mr. Green
Birmingham, Messrs E. Green & F. Micklesfield
Luton:- Messrs E. Green & C. E. Balmforth
Sheffield:- Mr. Green.
Next Meeting Tuesday Jan. 3rd at 4 p.m.
Confirmed as correct
E. Green