190 Sports Turf It was agreed to affiliate to this Research Inst. Institute for a minimum of there year at on 108 Annual subscription of £6.6.0. Tour Mr. Britton reported the result of 182. his meeting with Mr. Uraingyr. Five matches had been suggested in Spain, France and either Holland or Belgium with £500 per match and travelling expenses. The Board were favourably disposed to a tour on these lines, and left the match to Mr. Britton. Floodlighting Mr. Britton reported the success of the 83 Wembley Floodlighting last Wednesday afternoon during the Fog. It was agreed that the questions of Floodlighting be re-considered and that a special Sub-Committee consisting of Messrs J. c. Sharp, T. C. Nuttall, F. Micklesfield and C. H. Askham together with the Manager & Secretary be formed for this purpose. It was reported that Mayers was unfit with suspected ligament trouble and Saunders had jarred his ankle. Complimentary This was read over to the Board. List A letter of thanks was read from 188 the Archbishop of Liverpool. Filming A request from a Mr. Gallagher for 27 permission to take a film during a match was considered and turned down. Property It was agreed that the conveyance 175 for 23 Stanley Rd. be signed and sealed. Directors Away To Blackpool:- Messrs E. Green, J. C. Sharp, N. W. Coffey, C. E. Balmforth, F. Micklesfield, A. N. Denaro. Next Meeting Tuesday Dec. 13th at 4 p.m. Confirmed as correct E. Green 13.12.55 CHAIRMAN