180 with his sports outfitting business. F. A. Youth Match It was agreed that central League 173 prices be changed on Dec. 10th for the F. A. Youth Trial Match, and the nett gate to be divided 50-50 with the F. A. It was reported that Jones was now fit to play, and Wainwright was to rest for two days with a pulled tender. Bryn Jones had dislocated his shoulder. It was agreed to donate One guinea to a Memorial Statuette of the late Harold Fleming of Swindon Town F. C. and five guineas to the sick and Orphan Kiddies Christmas Treat Fund. W. C. Gibbins A letter of thanks was read from 176 Mr. W. C. Gibbins. Director Away To Sheffield:- Mr. Micklesfield. Next Meeting Tuesday Nov. 8th at 4 p.m. Confirmed as correct E. Green Chairman 8.11.55