
				TUESDAY OCT. 27th. 1955]

		Present:— Mr. J. C. Sharp (Chair) and Messrs. N. W. Coffey
			  T.C. Nuttall.
			  Manager and Secretary in attendance.

GATEMEN.	A request from the gatemen for an increase in their Fee was
		considered, and it was agreed to recommend that this be
		increased to 15/- for 1st Team games. The Stewards fee to
		remain at 10/- as previously.

4 Goodison	A request from the tenant of this house for permission to
Road.		widen the gates into the yard to permit a car to be taken
		into the yard was considered. As the tenant was willing to
		undertake the cost it was agreed to recommend that permission
		be given.

Wages.		It was noted that an increase of 11/- per week had been awarded
		to tradesmen on April 18th., 1955 and it was agreed to
		recommend that this increase be made to our tradesmen,
		E. Dillon, H. Wright, R. Williams and J. McDonald and that
		this be retrospective to 18th April 1955.

Pension		The amended quotation submitted by the Royal Insurance Co. Ltd,
Scheme		were examined and the following recommendations made:
		That a pension scheme on these lines be inaugurated on Jan 1st.,
		with a minimum pension of two pounds per week and a maximum
		pension of five pounds per week. Death benefit for five times
		the amount of the annual pension secured and the contributions
		from employees to be at the rate of 1/6, 2/6 and 3/6 per week,
		according to income grading. The cost to the Club at the start
		of the scheme would be in the region of Six hundred and fifty
		pounds per annum.

							E. Green