
			[Meetings held at Exchange Hotel
				Tuesday Sept. 27th 1955]

			Present:- Mr. E. Green (Chair) and all
		other Directors, Managers & Secretary in

			Minutes of Meeting of Sep. 20th
		were read and confirmed.

Finance			Receipts reported were:-
		Gate & M/c. Utd. Res.		 70. 4.9
		Gate & Liverpool Res.		275.19.3
			Cheques were signed for :-
		Customs & Excise		  8. 0.8
		Maghull Homes			  5. 0.0
		Wages				635.10.3
		Petty Cash			270. 0.0
		W. Dickinson. Salary		 76. 4.0
		H. R. Pickering Salary		 55.16.4
			Bank Balance £29,242.3.4 Cr.

Report of		The report of recommendations as
Sub-Committee	presented by Mr. Sharp was approved.
		The disposal of the old carpet was deferred
		for a week. (Copy Annexed)

Reports			Reports were given of the 1st
		team game v Portsmouth, the 2nd Team
		game v Liverpool Res. and the Central League
		Champions v the Rest.
			Mr. Green reported that he had
		represented the Club at the Funeral of
		Mr. J. Taylor of Preston. N. E.

Floodlight		Invitations from Rochdale and
Match		Coventry to play Floodlit Matches were
		considered and turned down.
			It was reported that Mr.
		? had suggested a match at