SUB-COMMITTEE MEETING HELD AT THE EXCHANGE HOTEL TUESDAY 20TH SEPTEMBER 1955] Present:— Mr. J. C. Sharp (Chair), Messrs. N. W. Coffey T.C. Nuttall and. C.E. Balmforth. Manager and Secretary in attendance. Carpets. A valuation of the two old carpets had been received from Messrs. Ray and Miles as follows. Large Boardroom Carpet. 6yds X 6yds, retail £120, wholesale £90. Ladies' Room Carpet. 5yds X 4 yds, retail £50, wholesale £35. Pension The amended schemes as submitted by the Sun Life Assurance Scheme Co., and the Royal Insurance Co., were examined. It was agreed, provisionally, that the Royal Insurance scheme be accepted with certain amendments. The Secretary was instructed to obtain an amended quotation with the following provisions. Minimum pension of £2 per week. Maximum pension of £5 per week. Employees contribution on the basis of 2½% of wages. Fielding. An application from this player for the provision of a garage at his home was considered. He had obtained an estimate for the cost of the garage of £40/10/— and it was agreed to recommend that he be given a grant of £50 to cover the cost, as he had done all the preliminary foundation work himself. E. Green 27.9.55