168 Fielding It was agreed that application Potts be made for permission to pay full benefits to Fielding & Potts which were due shortly. It was reported that Wainwright injury was not serious & McNamara was making good progress. Lewis was not well, and Fielding was to rest. Potts was suffering from a Boil and was not training, whilst Parker was troubled with a muscle but should be fit to play. Television A letter was read from the Football League outlining the arrangements made for Televising excerpts of League games for the current season. Eagle Club An application from the F. A. for members of this Club to be admitted free at one of our League games, the cost to be Game by the F. A. was deferred to ascertain the views of other League Clubs. Army F. A. Messrs E. Green, J. C. Sharp, N. W. Coffey 155 T. C. Nuttall, C. E. Balmforth, F. Micklesfield, R. E. Searle and A. N. Denaro accepted an invitation from the Army F. A. to a Lunchroom at the Exchange Hotel on Oct. 12th. Maghull Homes It was agreed to donate five pounds for Epileptics to the Autumn Fair to be held on Oct. 1st. Transfer of The following were approved:- Shares SHARE No. 2431 FROM R. F. MURPHY TO ALAN ISAAC. " 1079 To 1083 FROM F. HENDERSON & W. P. BARRELL TO S. WINKLE. Directors Away To Portsmouth:- Messrs F. Micklesfield and C. H. Askham. Next Meeting Tuesday Sept. 27th at 4 p.m. Confirmed as correct E. Green 27.9.55 CHAIRMAN.