167 [Meeting held at Exchange Hotel Tuesday Sept. 20th 1955.] Present:- Mr. E. Green (Chair) and all other Directors except Mr. Denaro who tendered his apologies, Manager & Secretary in attendance. Minutes of Meeting of Sept. 13th were read and confirmed. Finance Receipts reported were:- Charlton Ath. F. C. % 300.19. 4 Gate v M/c Utd. 3728. 8. 0 Gate v Spurs. 4563.14. 3 Cheques were signed for:- Customs & Excise 1607. 7. 7 Football League % 141. 6.11 Tottenham Hotspur F. C. % 615.10. 2 Police 121.10. 0 Wages 616. 7. 3 Petty Cash 205.16.10 Bank Balance £29,980.14.1 Cr. Reports Reports were given of the 1st Team games v M/c Utd. and Spurs, and of the 2nd Team game v Barnsley and the 'A' Team game v Blackpool 'A'. F. A. A letter was read suggesting 165 that the letter re the Schoolboy Rule be placed before the appropriate Committee. It was agreed that we write and ask that this be done. Property It was reported that Buckles 86. house would be empty this week, and it was agreed that this be sold. It was further agreed to purchase a house for Tansey J. if he wished.